Some business problems resist easy solutions. When two systems that just don’t play nice need to be integrated, or a business process automated, custom software is sometimes the best answer.

Depending on your needs, we can use Python, PHP, VBA or SQL to build bespoke tools that get the job done.

Previous projects:

  • Sales data projections, synthesis and analysis using VBA in Excel
  • Bulk migration and sanitation of customer inventory and service records into new billing and provisioning system, using Python to interact with system APIs. Handled clean hand-off of live billing state as records were processed and transferred over a multi-month business migration.
  • Payment processor add-ons to billing system, for credit card and eCheck transactions through an otherwise unsupported payment gateway. (PHP)
  • Inventory tracking and automatic provisioning integration add-on for billing system. (PHP)
  • Customizable PDF generator for weekly product availability newsletter to distributors, built in VBA due to customer requirements.
  • Novel knowledge management system prototype with web interface. (Python)